  • 2021-10-28

Sun October 28, 2021

Sun 2021-10-28 I took a image of the sun in a clear sky. It is lively with black spots scattered around. 17cm eccentric aperture + solar filter for 45cm newtonian.

  • 2021-10-17

Jupiter October 10, 2021

Jupiter 2021-10-10 (UT) Jupiter every night, longitude behind the Great Red Spot. A series of white spots in the Southern Hemisphere came to the longitude immediately after the Great Red Spot.

  • 2021-10-17

Jupiter October 8, 2021

Jupiter 2021-10-08 (UT) In the evening, it was clear sky, then clouds, and clear. Seeing condition is a little good. On Jupiter’s feature, two streaky belts (-17 °) of gentle feature longitude and SEB latitude can be seen apart.    

  • 2021-10-08

M1 pulsar

M1 pulsar 2021-10-05 45cm Newtonian (F / 4) Create a black-and-white L image from the image taken with NEPTUNE-C II, and color-synthesize it from the color image (2021-01-10 ASI071MC). You can see the pulsar star and its surroundings in the Crab Nebula.

  • 2021-10-08

M42 Orion Nebula October 5, 2021

M42  2021-10-05 You can see the high sensitivity in the infrared region by looking at the M42 color image (UV / IR cut filter) and infrared image (IR-850) with Neptune-C II. Color image (Shutter = 764.3msGain = 397 Frames captured = 351) Shutter = 957.1ms Gain = 459 Frames captured = 203)