  • 2019-12-17

Uranus December 16, 2019

Uranus 2019-12-16 IR-685 The optical axis of the 45cmNewtonian matches, and a planetary image can be obtained. Since the air current is unstable, it is not a disk image. Visually, Uranus is bright even at 370x.

  • 2019-12-16

Canopus Star Watching tour

2019/12/14-15 Canopus star watching tour on Plateau Satomi 2019/12/14-15 A tour to watch the annual Canopus was held, and 13 people participated this time. After dinner, gave a lecture explaining Canopus, took the outdoor kotatsu, and observed the night sky. It was a bad condition with a bright moon, but because it was the maximum day of the Geminids meteor shower,We could to observe. On the rooftop, we could observe the moon and bright celestial deep sky using 20mm refractor, 31cm Dobsonian and 100mm binocular telescope. After 12:00, We watched looked for the low sky to see the Canopus, but it was hidden in the clouds and We couldn’t watch it this time.

  • 2019-12-07

Comet Poster

I’m not a comet observer, but I made a commemorative poster from the comet image I took to commemorate the 18 inches Newtonian.

  • 2019-12-02

The Horse Head Nebula

Challenging to watch the horse head nebula 2019 11/30 Using the self-made 45㎝ telescope, six people gathered to watch the horse head nebula. It is a challen… See more

  • 2019-11-23


M42 captured with a CMOS camera. ASI224M color version, ASI290MM monochrome camera + near infrared IR filter.In M42, the west of Trapezium is brightest, and I can see subtle colors of green and yellow when viewed at 45 km. In the IR filter image, the stars in the nebula emerge and you can see the difference.11/21/2019 45cm nwetonian.

  • 2019-11-11

Lunar Planet Study Group

Participated in the 60th anniversary ceremony of Association lunar and planetary observers of Japan and Jupiter conference.After a long time, I met Japanese observers and enjoyed the night party!I got some power.