  • 2021-01-02

January 1, 2021

Month 2021-01-01 This is the first month of 2021. I think it’s enjoy to follow the changes in the gap due to the phase of the moon every day with a telescope.  

  • 2021-01-01

Month December 31, 2020

Mon 2020-12-31 2020 is the last month. Excellent transparency, but  seeing is bad and you can’t see the details! It’s 2020, where I enjoyed many astronomical phenomena! I hope that 2021 will contain the coronavirus and create a peaceful world. Have a good year! !!

  • 2020-12-31

Uranus December 28, 2020

Uranus 2020-12-28 (UT) The apparent size of Uranus is 3.7 arcsec, which is as small as the size when Mars is farthest away. Good seeing is important when taking. With the IR pass filter, you can see that the Arctic region is bright, and the rest is dark and circular. This time, I took an image of UV and CH4 (methane band) filter for the first time. In order to increase the sensitivity, 2×2 binning was applied and exposure was applied for 1s for UV and 6s for CH4, but no feature was detected. It is a harsh condition, but I want to challenge depending on seeing condition!

  • 2020-12-31

Mars December 28, 2020

Mars 2020-12-28 (UT) In the evening, Mars moves southward, so it overlaps with my daily life and I am busy. The feature of Mars is around 0 degrees longitude, and the appearance of the feature pattern has returned to its original state. The apparent diameter of Mars is now 10 arcseconds. It will continue to be observable in the evening sky until April next year (diameter 5 arcsec), but it will be severe in winter when seeing condition is bad.

  • 2020-12-25

Jupiter and Saturn are conjunction (December 15-23, 9 days)

Those are an image summarizing the progress of the approach between Jupiter and Saturn (December 15-23, 9 days). It fixed and edited Jupiter so that you can see the daily movement. The daily movement, changes in the distance between Jupiter and Saturn, and the accompanying changes in the relative positions and angles of the satellites. It was a wonderful planetary phenomenon that the two planets approached each other, approached each other on 22.23th, and passed each other.

  • 2020-12-25

Uranus December 23, 2020

Uranus 2020-12-23 (UT) Image of Uranus because seeing is good. The Arctic region is bright in the IR image. In the color image, a blue-green round disk image (diameter, 3.7 arcsec).