
M63(NGC 5055)

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M63(NGC 5055) 2021-03-08
りょうけん座,距離/約2400万光年美しい渦巻きを持つ大型の渦巻銀河です.  光度 8.6等 視直径 12.3.。細かなで複雑な渦巻き構造と外側の大きな暗黒模様が素晴らしい。良く見ますと、少し離れた右側の淡い星雲と大きな暗黒渦巻が繋がっている様にも見えます。また星雲の右端に二つの紡錘状銀河があります(左上のモノクロ反転画像を参照)    

M63 (NGC 5055) 2021-03-08
Canes Venatici, distance / approx. 24 million light-years Large spiral galaxy with beautiful spirals.  8.6 mag, visual diameter 12.3′
The fine and complicated spiral structure and the large dark feature on the outside are wonderful. If you look closely, you can see that the pale nebula on the right side, which is a little far away, and the large dark spiral are connected. In addition, there are two spindle-shaped galaxies at the right end of the nebula (see the monochrome inverted image on the upper left)
45 cm newtonian.

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