
M64( NGC 4826)

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M64( NGC 4826) は、かみのけ座に存在する渦巻銀河.
M64 (NGC4826) 銀河 (黒眼銀河)
かみのけ座 光度 8.5等 視直径 9.3’ 距離 1900万光年

2021-02-21 45㎝反射
M64 (NGC 4826) is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma Berenices.
M64 (NGC4826) Galaxy (Black Eye Galaxy)
Coma Berenices, luminous intensity 8.5, apparent diameter 9.3′, distance 19 million light-years
The rotation of the central vortex and the rotation of the outer vortex are opposite. It is believed to be a remnant of the collision and coalescence of two galaxies in the past.  

2021-02-21 45cm newtonian

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