  • 2021-12-04

C/2021 A1 Leonard Comet December 3, 2021

C / 2021 A1 Leonard 2121-12-03 (JST) 45cm F / 4 Newtonian 2×2 Binning ASI071MA Pro There was a cloud coming, but the moonlight disappeared and the comet became easier to watch. Today we can see the fine structure of the tail. A total of 60 frames( 30-second exposures )the stellar lines are unsightly because of the time lag.  

  • 2021-12-01

Mini Astronomical Observatory November 29, 2021

2021-11-29 Mini astronomical observation party It is an annual astronomical observation party. I changed it the day before due to bad weather forecast on the 30th, so the number of participants decreased, but I managed to enjoy the stars with 45 cm newtonian. The Orion Nebula was beautiful, but the M1 (Crab Nebula) felt faint. Also, because seeing was good, I could watched Sirius’s companion star (Sirius well for the first time this season, but it was a celestial body that was difficult for those who saw it for the first time. Thank you for your hard work! !!

  • 2021-12-01

Perseus galaxy

Perseus galaxy 2021-11-27 45cm reflection 1mx30 frame ASI0871MC Pro  Monochrome color image. Abell426 A large group of more than 1000 galaxies called the Perseus cluster of galaxies

  • 2021-11-28

C/2021 A1 Leonard November 28, 2021

C / 2021 A1 Leonard 2121-11-28 04:24 (JST) 45cm F / 4 Newtonian Field / 40′ x 25 ′ 30s x 10 frames The image is worse than yesterday, probably because of the nearby crescent moon, moonlight, and bad air. You can see a little fine structure of the comet’s tail

  • 2021-11-28


M45 2021-11-25 Before the moon rose, I took a picture of the area around Merope on M45. It is the power of the image that you can see the fine structure like a waterfall flowing up and down. 45cm F / 4 Newton MPCC mark3 1m x 18 frame ASI071MC Pro