

  • 2021-02-05

Venus February 4, 2021

Venus 2021-02-04 (UT) The almost circular Venus will be the outer conjunction (on the other side of the Sun) on March 24th. This is the first time I have observe Venus in this phase. Although it is a small circulr, seeing is relatively good, and I can see the beautiful it. The apparent diameter of Venus was as small as 10 arcseconds, and it was only a featuren that was not clear even with UV and IR. Since sunlight enters the 45 cm telescopel and lowers the contrast, I attached an eccentric diaphragm with a diameter of 17 cm to take an image.  

  • 2020-06-18

Venus June 17, 2020

Venus 2020-06-17 The fine weather during the rainy season.  In the morning, the transparency was good, and Venus, which had passed more than 10 days since inferior conjunction , was separated from the sun, and sunlight stopped entering the telescope. You can look at Venus with peace of mind. The angle of the thin bow-shaped Venus statue floating in the blue sky returned to 180°.

  • 2020-05-31

Venus May 30, 2020

Venus 2020-05-30. The weather is fine today and the transparency is good, but seeing condition is a little worse than yesterday. Venus became as thin as K = 0.01, and it took five days to get inside. How long can i watch?

  • 2020-05-30

Venus May 29, 2020

Venus 2020-05-29. Introducing Venus at 9:00 AM on a clear, sunny day. Venus K = 0.01, the nearby sun is dazzling. It is a strange telescope that extends the tube to the end of a 15 cm eccentric diaphragm to block sunlight.

  • 2020-05-28

Venus May 28, 2020

Venus 2020-05-28 Venus, which is close to the Sun, cannot be confirmed even with a telescope if the transparency decreases. The bow-shaped Venus is 220 °. Seeing condition is moderate, but the telescope sways in the wind and Venus is dancing.

  • 2020-05-23

Last Venus March 2017

The previous Venus (March 2017) was imaged with the borrowed 17.8cm ED refracting telescope. Refraction with a high S / N ratio is advantageous for daytime imaging, forcing it on the equatorial mount. I took it on a sunny day. The Venus, which was close to the sun and was thin like a bow, was wonderful. In addition, a circular image of the back of Venus and the ground pattern could be detected. I’m sorry that I couldn’t see the west sky this time! Try another way!

  • 2020-05-17

Venus May 17, 2020

2020-05-17 (UT) Daytime Venus. It will be 17 days until the inside time, and the shape is thin and sharp with K = 0.1. Visually, Venus that grows in the blue sky is wonderful. Use a 45 cm caliber with an eccentric diaphragm 17 cm!