

  • 2022-02-12


NGC2903 2022-01-28 NGC 2903 is a barred spiral galaxy about 30 million light-years away in the direction of Leo. Brightness 8.8 mag The spread of the upper and lower arms is wonderful, and the north side is divided into two. 45 cm Newtonian / seeing was bad and stars image was poor.

  • 2022-02-12

Cone Nebula (part of NGC2264)

Cone Nebula (part of NGC2264) 2022-02-05 Diffused nebula in Monoceros. Since it is a pale celestial body, it is only in the center at 45 cm. Obviously not enough exposure!

  • 2022-02-12

NGC4565 2022-02-06

NGC4565 2022-02-06 NGC 4565 (Caldwell 38) is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma Berenices, with a distance of about 30 to 50 million light-years, a galaxy seen from the side. m = 10.4 diameter / 15.9’× 1.85′ It was a feature seems to be poor.

  • 2022-02-12

Asteroid Kawakami (8413) 2022-02-05

Asteroid Kawakami (8413) 2022-02-05 At dawn, I was finally able to capture the asteroid Kawakami (8413) at the southern end of Libra. I thought it would be easy to catch an asteroid of about 18 mag with a 45 cm aperture, but it is a difficult magnitude under low altitude and poor seeing conditions! Thanks for the repair of the equatorial mount, it was finally fulfilled by the third challenge.

  • 2022-02-12

James Webb Space Telescope

JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) 2022-01-31 New Space Telescope: JWST has arrived at the planned position (L2), so I tried to get it. From the position estimation table of Hidenori Nohara in Utsunomiya City, it is reflected in the stripes between the stars in the background in the Milky Way in winter. Thank you very much for data.

  • 2022-02-12

NGC2261 Hubble’s variable nebula

NGC2261   2022-01-28 Provisional designation, also known as Hubble’s variable nebula Caldwell 46 Constellation Monoceros Apparent magnitude (mv) 9.0 Apparent diameter 2′ Distance 2,500 light years I took it in the same way as last year. The big star change of the example proper motion is impossible from this image!

  • 2022-01-24

Earth’s approaching asteroid

Earth’s approaching asteroid 7482 1994 PC1 The closest approach date was January 19th, which was different from the position estimation table, so I could not find it, and I was able to catch it on the 20th.

  • 2022-01-19

Far full moon 2022-01-17

Far full moon 2022-01-17 23:07 (JST) (Distance: 395709km) The farthest full moon in 2022 is 01-19 08:48 (JST) 402728km. Seeing was poor,, so I stopped down the aperture to 16 cm and took image

  • 2022-01-19

Sirius B 2022-01-16

2021 Sirius B 2022-01-16 Sirius B (8.4 mag) will be the farthest from the main star (11.3 arcseconds) in 2022. It looks like this visually by 45cm newtonian !!