

  • 2021-01-02

January 1, 2021

Month 2021-01-01 This is the first month of 2021. I think it’s enjoy to follow the changes in the gap due to the phase of the moon every day with a telescope.  

  • 2021-01-01

Month December 31, 2020

Mon 2020-12-31 2020 is the last month. Excellent transparency, but  seeing is bad and you can’t see the details! It’s 2020, where I enjoyed many astronomical phenomena! I hope that 2021 will contain the coronavirus and create a peaceful world. Have a good year! !!

  • 2020-12-31

Full moon December 30, 2020

Full moon 2020-12-30 45 cm Newtonian reflector (stopped 40 cm) It is the last full moon in 2020. The full moon in winter rises high and I don’t feel any color.

  • 2020-11-01

Moon of 14

Moon of 14. One day before the full moon, the moon is almost circular, but if you look closely you can see a crater on the left side. It is too bright for a telescope.

  • 2020-08-18

Moon surface August 11, 2020

Lunar  2020-08-11 (UT) The lunar  captured after Mars imaging. The moon in the phase of the last quarter It is fun to watch a lot of small valleys when you look at the plato crator and the area near the straight wall with a binocular device of 200-300 powers. I was satisfied with the experience after a long time. 45cm F4 Newton. 2 x Barlow, ASI290MM IR-685

  • 2020-08-18

Lunar surface Archimedes

Lunar surface Archimedes 2020-08-11 (UT) 17:16(UT) 02:16(JST). From the low part of the crater wall, the sunlight hits the inside of the crete in a triangle, creating a wonderful view. It was exposed 3 times to expose the inside of the processing. 45cm F4 Newton, 2x Barlow, ASI290MM IR-685