

  • 2021-09-12

Jupiter September 10, 2021

Jupiter 2021-09-10 (UT) Jupiter in a short time between clear clouds. I am lucky to be able to take an image through a thin cloud. The longitude and SEB near the Great Red Spot (GRS) are complicated. The distorted south side of the GRS shape in the IR image is probably due to the surrounding bluish feature and poor seeing

  • 2021-09-09

Jupiter September 7, 2021

Jupiter 2021-09-07 (UT) Jupiter was in the south (south) at 10 pm, and it was a reasonable time zone. It was cloudy due to the influence of the autumn rain front, but I was able to take image through a thin layer. Seeing is bad and there are no details. Jupiter instead of Player one’s Petune-C II. Color camera Sony IMX464 (color) Format: 1 / 1.8 type (7.9 x 4.5 mm) But is it possible to capture UV, CH and IR color images with a single camera? I tried! Although it is thin, the sensitivity of the IR region is high, which is more than double that of 290MM. IR-1000 is more than 3 times. UV sensitivity is higher at 290MM. There is a peculiarity in the hue of color images, but you can use it by adjusting it. I’m happy that there is little noise!

  • 2021-08-30

Jupiter August 29, 2021

Jupiter 2021-08-29 (UT) C14 used Seeing was not so good, but the Great Red Spot was visible in front. The dark spot behind the GRS fades and looks normal

  • 2021-08-30

Jupiter August 27, 2021

Jupiter 2021-08-27 (UT) There are clouds, and the imaging is uncomfortable. Use C14. The dark spot (II = 21.6 °) inside the SEB behind the GRS was conspicuous. The color is bluish black. Convection turbulence!

  • 2021-08-23

Jupiter August 20, 2021

Jupiter 2021-08-20 (UT) The feature behind the Great Red Spot. Immediately before oval “BA”, there is a white spot without border (right). There is a vertical mottled feature at high latitudes in the Arctic, which is clearly visible in the IR.

  • 2021-08-19

Jupiter August 18, 2021

Jupiter 2021-08-18 (UT) On a clear night, there was a breeze and the telescope was shaking a little, but seeing improved in the second half and it became a dazzling Jupiter. Jupiter and NEBn are pale.

  • 2021-08-08

Jupiter August 5, 2021

Jupiter 2021-08-05 (UT) 45 cm newtonian, the optical axis is not aligned properly. I can observe Jupiter on a sunny day every night, but there are many clouds coming in and I can’t take an image. The phase behind the GRS. Five consecutive white spots south of STB are spectacular.

  • 2021-08-08

Jupiter August 4, 2021

Jupiter 2021-08-04 (UT) The optical axis of the 45cm newtonian is out of order, and it is an image taken with C14 in the hitting role. SEB is a dark belt in the south, but other than that, it is light and complicated.