

  • 2021-10-17

Jupiter October 10, 2021

Jupiter 2021-10-10 (UT) Jupiter every night, longitude behind the Great Red Spot. A series of white spots in the Southern Hemisphere came to the longitude immediately after the Great Red Spot.

  • 2021-10-17

Jupiter October 8, 2021

Jupiter 2021-10-08 (UT) In the evening, it was clear sky, then clouds, and clear. Seeing condition is a little good. On Jupiter’s feature, two streaky belts (-17 °) of gentle feature longitude and SEB latitude can be seen apart.    

  • 2021-09-25

Jupiter’s satellite Thebe Amalthea

Jupiter’s satellite Thebe Amalthea 2021-09-20 This time, I took a image of the satellite Matis near Jupiter with C14. After all, it was not detected because it was disturbed by the light beam of Jupiter. Instead, the two satellites (Thebe) (Amalthea) are clearly captured.

  • 2021-09-25

Jupiter September 20, 2021

Jupiter  2021-09-20(UT) Clear sky night. Seeing is a little good. Longitude of the Great Red Spot (GRS). Lifts can be seen in NEBs, and long festoons stand out. A group of white spots connected to the south side came to GRS.

  • 2021-09-14

20th century planets

While organizing old CDs, a digest image of a 20th century planet came out. It is a combination of 32 cm newtonian+ cooled CCD (Teleris). In the era when there was no digital camera for astronomical colors, all colors were RGB composites. It was around the time when the Great Red Spot on Jupiter was pale. The quality is one rank lower than it is now, but I remember the bright vitiligo that looked like Saturn’s EZ.