

  • 2021-10-08


M1 2021-10-05 45cm Newton (F / 4) NEPTUNE-C II 20s x 100 frame  no filter Preview of M1 with a sensitive camera. It is a terrible color balance. You can see the filament structure well.

  • 2021-05-28

North America Nebula

The North American Nebula beside the 1st magnitude star Deneb in Cygnus is similar in shape to North America, and can be seen with binoculars if the sky is clean. The number of skies under such conditions has decreased in Japan.

  • 2021-05-06

Seyfert’s Sextet

NGC6027 2021-05-03 Seyfert’s Sextet is a group of galaxies located about 190 million light-years away from Earth in the direction of Serpens. Seeing is poor and the small parts are out of focus. Brightness is 14-16 mag, a dark object. I want good seeing and a longer FL (3m)!

  • 2021-04-16

M20 Sagittarius

M20 2021-04-15 45cm F4 1m x 20 frames The transparency was good, but seeing was bad and the star image was large.

  • 2021-03-27

c / 2020 R4 ATLAS March 27, 2021

c / 2020 R4 ATLAS 2021-03-27 04:26 (JST) 45cm Newtonian A short time zone between the setting of the moon and the twilight. The color and tail of the comet are clearer than yesterday.  

  • 2021-03-23

AT2021dhg in M64 “Black Eye Galaxy”.

AT2021dhg in M64 “Black Eye Galaxy”. Thank you for the information, Mr. Toshihide Noguchi. The discovered supernova on 2/15 was also shown in my image 2/21. The brightness at the time of discovery was about 20 mag, but it seems that it became brighter on the 21st.

  • 2021-03-21

NGC3344 Galaxy (Leo Minor)

NGC3344 Galaxy (Leo Minor) Luminous intensity 10.0 equivalence Diameter 6.9′ RA 10h43m31.1s Declination +24 ° 55’12 “(J2000) You can clearly see the faint spiral structure to the outside. The surrounding area is dotted with many small galaxies. 45cm newtonian

  • 2021-03-18

M13 (NGC6205) Globular cluster

M13 (NGC6205) Globular cluster Luminous intensity 5.9 mag, apparent diameter 16.6′ 2021-03-15 From the center to the outside of the globular cluster, you can see the black lines with few star arrangements. 45 cm Newtonian