NGC1999 2 small 1280x1280 - NGC1999とHH1,HH2(ハービックハロー天体)


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NGC1999とHH1,HH2(ハービックハロー天体)  2022-01-24
その下側のHH1,HH2は小さく暗く 45㎝の口径でも写すのは難しい天体です。

NGC1999 and HH1, HH2 (Herbig-Haro Object) 2022-01-24
It shines with the light of a new mass star called, and the distance from the solar system is 1500 light. It seems to be a hollow that is not in the black shadow on the right side.
HH1 and HH2 on the lower side are small and dark, and it is a celestial body that is difficult to photograph even with 45 cm telescope.

dummy - NGC1999とHH1,HH2(ハービックハロー天体)
NGC1999 2 small 375x375 - NGC1999とHH1,HH2(ハービックハロー天体)
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