6297 - 自作45㎝反射望遠鏡が復活


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自作45㎝反射望遠鏡が復活しました。 2021-12-30

The self-made 45 cm newtonian telescope has been revived. 2021-12-30
Repairing defects around the polar axis of the equatorial mount was reborn as a sturdy equatorial mount in just one week.
Thank you.
After the adjustment was completed, Venus was inserted and photographed by automatic introduction during the day. A comfortable equatorial mount gives you peace of mind.

dummy - 自作45㎝反射望遠鏡が復活
dummy - 自作45㎝反射望遠鏡が復活
6297 375x500 - 自作45㎝反射望遠鏡が復活
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