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自作45㎝反射望遠鏡には3㎝、8㎝ファインダーを付けて自動導入設定の前に望遠鏡の視野に入れます。自動導入が設定後は使わずパソコンにて行います。惑星撮影時は長いFLが必要ですので、更に6㎝(FL/420mm)屈折にASI174MM を付けた電子ファインダーとPHD2 を併用します。無理載せ望遠鏡なので赤道儀の追尾がよろしくなく、惑星撮像中はハンドボックスでの監視が必要です。オートガイドでも惑星撮像は便利です。オートガイドはFirecapture でも出来るようですが調子が悪いので使っていません。今回、機材整理中、昔頂いたDMKカメラと広角レンズが出てきました。45㎝の筒先に超広角電子ファインダーを設置しました。空全体の様子が分かり、雲の状況は一目瞭然で使えるようです。
Additional ultra wide-angle electronic viewfinder
Attach a 3 cm and 8 cm viewfinder to the self-made 45 cm newtonian telescope and put it in the field of view of the telescope before the automatic introduction setting. After the automatic installation is set, it will be done on the personal computer without using it. Since a long FL is required when shooting a planet, an electronic viewfinder with an ASI174MM attached to a 6 cm (FL / 420 mm) refraction and PHD2 are used together. Since it is a telescope mounted by force, tracking of the equatorial mount is not good, and it is necessary to monitor it with a handbox during planetary imaging. Planet imaging is also convenient with auto-guide. It seems that auto guide can be done with Firecapture, but I don’t use it because it’s not working well. This time, while organizing the equipment, the DMK camera and wide-angle lens that I received a long time ago came out. An ultra-wide-angle electronic viewfinder is installed at the tip of a 45 cm cylinder. I can see the whole sky, and the cloud situation is obvious and I can use it.