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2021-05-10 那須山 峠の茶屋駐車場から

天の川データ 2021-05-10 24mm. 85mm 105mm, 300mm
Sony- α7s(IR改造)UV/IR cut ISO3200 20-30秒(3-10枚合成)

2021-05-10 From the teahouse parking lot at Mt Nasu PassIn the strong wind, I was shown M51 and M20 by my fellow star 51cm Dobsonian.
The back of the M51 was dark, so I could clearly see the two arms and see the best nebula.
The equatorial mount installed in a ridiculously strong wind was dangerous, but it was a wonderful Milky Way from Cygnus to Cygnus, which I could see after a long time.
Probably since I saw it in Jododaira when I was young!
Milky Way data 2021-05-10 24mm. 85mm 105mm, 300mmSony-α7s (IR modification) UV / IR cut ISO3200 20-30 seconds (3-10 images combined)

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