M45 20200913 1280x1657 - プレアデス星団


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プレアデス星団 2020-09-13
メローペ付近は青色のガス以外に黄色のガスはある様です。45㎝ F/4反射。PMCC Mark3. Sony α7s(HKC) iso800 10s x10 frame 周減光があり、トリミングあり
Pleiades star cluster 2020-09-13
After imaging Mars, the transparency was good, so I took it for the first time this autumn. There seems to be yellow gas in addition to blue gas near Merope. 45 cm F / 4 reflection. PMCC Mark3. Sony α7s (HKC) iso800 10s x10 frames There is peripheral dimming and there is trimming
dummy - プレアデス星団
M45 20200913 375x485 - プレアデス星団
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