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オリオン星雲M42 2020-01-11 45㎝望遠鏡で100倍で見たイメージ。
45㎝ F/4 Newtonian 2020-01-11-21:40(JST) ASI224MC Shutter=597.5ms Gain=342 (57%) Frames captured=2000

Image of Orion Nebula M42 at 2020-01-11 at 45㎝ newtonian telescope at 100x magnification.The center of the nebula is greenish and the outside is reddish. Always get tired!45㎝ F / 4 Newtonian 2020-01-11-21: 40 (JST) ASI224MC Shutter = 597.5ms Gain = 342 (57%) Frames captured = 2000

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